10 Simple ways to be kind || Ethan & Neve
This certainly is a saying we have all heard over the last few years. The hashtag #bekind has had more that 11.5m tags on Instagram alone. Yet, sometimes the world can seem stressful, overwhelming and toxic and it’s easy to not be kind, not kind to yourself, the planet or others. To be kind is one of our brand values here at Ethan & Neve and its something very important to us. Today Saturday 13th November is World kindness day and in celebration of this we wanted to share some simple ways to be kind.
Here are 10 simple ways to be kind.
Kindness doesn’t have to be hard, difficult or time consuming it’s; something that can easily be done and the benefits to not only you as the giver but to those that receive can really make a difference and have an impact. So, take a look at the list below and be inspired.
- Smile at someone as you walk past them. This one is great as it’s easy to do and doesn’t cost a thing. “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness’ – William Arthur Ward
- Write a positive message on a post it note and leave them for people to find. I would absolutely love it if I stumbled across a positive note whilst out and about and it would certainly make me smile.
- Pay for a stranger’s coffee, this could change the path of that persons day. Think about how many people they would share that act of kindness with throughout the day. It may even inspire them to pay if forward and return the kindness to someone else.
- Tell a family member or friend that you love them. Sometimes you might think that people know you love them just because you think it inside. They might not know it and hearing it is a wonderful thing.
- Give a surprise gift to someone you care about, it could be something small like a chocolate bar or something thoughtful like a cosy pair of socks for someone who stands on their feet all day.
- Give someone a hug, this is especially important this year given all the restrictions we have had in place and some people have been without human touch for a long time. Human touch is so important, what might seem like a small gesture to you may be a massive gesture to someone else.
- Take a bag and pick up some litter in your local area. This could be a fun activity to do with kids and is helping to be kind to our environment and the planet.
- Compliment someone, if you think they look good tell them, if they are wearing something you like, let them know. If you think something positive about them share it with them. Think back to when you last received a compliment, did it make you feel good inside?
- Practice gratitude, be kind to yourself and be thankful for everything you have. It could be a simple thing like the cup of hot tea in your hand (although for those tired parents reading this blog it’s probably not that hot anymore!).
- Spend less time on your phone and more time with the people you love. Not much more to say on this one. Put down the phone and appreciate what you have, I know Ethan & Neve will love this one.
There are so many ways to show kindness.
So, as you can see these are just 10 simple tips on how to show and share kindness and there are many, many more. I encourage you to pick something either from the list above or even better make your own acts of kindness and go and spread the love. Afterall, No act of kindness no matter how big or small is ever wasted. – Aesop.